Ensuring you receive the full amount for your services on ReadyHubb is simple, but remember, access to deposit features and subscriptions are separate. Here's how to proceed:
Set Deposit to 100%: After subscribing to ReadyHubb, navigate to your account settings and set the deposit to 100%. This ensures that clients are charged the full amount upfront when they make a payment.
Manage Additional Payments: In case of additional payments or extra charges, utilize the option to check out again and add the extras. This allows you to ensure that clients are charged the correct and full amount for your services.
โ ๏ธ Note: Access to deposit features and subscriptions are separate. For detailed instructions on setting up deposits, refer to our article here. To learn more about subscriptions and accessing additional features, refer to our subscription article here.
By following these steps, you can streamline the payment process and ensure that you receive the full amount for your services on ReadyHubb.