If you've decided to cancel your Readyhubb subscription but now want to reconsider, it's easy to change your mind:
Navigate to Subscription Payment: Visit www.readyhubb.com and go to "Plan and Billing" after setting up your profile on the app or website.
Find the "Stop, I Changed My Mind" Button: Within subscription options, click on "Stop, I changed my mind" to reverse your cancellation.
Confirmation and Resuming Subscription: You'll receive a confirmation message, and your subscription will continue. You'll be charged on the same day next month.
Note: If your subscription has expired, you'll need to resubscribe. Find instructions here
Readyhubb values your satisfaction, making it easy for you to enjoy their services hassle-free. So, if you've had a change of heart, follow these simple steps to keep benefiting from Readyhubb!